Saturday, March 31, 2012

Favorite Movie

Hmm.... That is really hard cause there are so many. You'd think that my favorite movie would be Legally Blonde, cause, hello, Elle Woods, it would just make sense. I think I will just talk about the most recent movie I have seen in theaters, HUNGER GAMES! So good. I actually really liked the movie, I think the directors did a really good job creating the scenes, and following the book. It was very nice. Okay and a bit on Legally Blonde. I just think that movie is so fun. It is really quite hysterical, and so I like it.

So those are my favorite movies that I'm not afraid to talk about, but what about the movies that have been our favorite since I was two? They sit unwatched like that gross cereal that your mom keeps buying but it keeps getting pushed to the back cause she's the only one that eats it. You run across it every now and again only to move on. But really one day won't we become like our parents. Reaching for the cereal with the healthy stuff in them cause our bodies can't take all that sugar anymore. Won't that happen with the movie? One day we will see it and think of our childhood. Maybe we will indulge ourselves. Babysit for a neighbor and put it in so you can secretly relive your childhood. Secretly belt out the Lion King Hakuna Matata. Cry when the Beast is on the roof and it feels like all hope is lost. Laugh at the exchange between Buzz and Woody. Ahh, those were the days, the good times, the movies.

So really my favorite movies are hiding behind some box, somewhere, waiting for the moment when I decide to relive my childhood.

~Elle Woods

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